Did this one for the next Kreative Momentum workshop which is all about making paper grids.
Yes, the photo quality is rubbish - I was rushed.... Just call me "Many jobs badly"
I really only put this up today because I want to draw your attention to a musician I admire (and who has the cutest of babies, next to my own (who are no longer babies of court) who wants to win 10,000C$. And
Take a look at John Wort Hannam on the page, scroll down and listen to his music.... vote if you like.
17 hours ago
Looks interesting.....we all need photo studios and fancy cameras...sigh.
Paper grids - oooh fond memories !!
We had fun with found meshes... and have you heard of paper making with tin cans? I will post the title later. New ideas for working with kids. At least new to me. In the States this guy has been active for years I believe. Europe is ahead in some things but not in others. The grids were fun and today we made beads (tyvek) and they have gone home with instructions to do something original with the process.
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