Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Second workshop Kreative Momentum

Yesterday we held the second Kreative Momentum workshop at the Conservatory!!!  Sounds so important doesn't it.  Arlee has created a lovely blog entry about it and I hand you over to her now.  I cannot do better than that.
Below are some of her photos, thanks Arlee.

We were very lucky with the sunshine too  (and why not,  Calgary does get 350 days of sunshine a year - don't quote me on that) ... for working out on the patio and drying the fabrics.  It still is winter here in Calgary though the trees don't think so.

Just to say that the participants each had their own take on the building blocks of dyeing that I gave them and it was a pleasure to see them create in their own way.

If anyone is interested in attending classes with me (Calgary Alberta) please contact me at: for more information.

Does this look kind of rude and kinky to you ?????????  Yes, go on click the question mark....  It is the image that popped up under Small World - Microscopic awards (see right) last time I checked out this blog....  Can you believe that that is the head of a bug?

1 comment:

arlee said...

hmmm, bugs in bondage---something for everyone on teh interwebs :)