This blog entry was going to be about some motivational course that is on offer in the textile forum this month. And how I am not taking it, why not... and what I do instead.
However, in putting today's blog entry together I eventually found myself watching this:-
and felt that all my blog entry need be is that link. I hope you enjoy it if you haven't seen it already.
Should you be intrigued as to what took me there, here is the former blog entry for today.
There is a move in the textile world to do a 10 week online course on overcoming boundaries and improving motivation.... "Do I need this now?" Is the main question one should ask before signing up. I have many items on my desk and I am working on them. Video, film, stitch, and daily 'drawing' and writing. And I am getting through the work.... I have strategies, hard earned and seemingly successful. We can all continue to improve though.
This holiday I joined Ali in making my own gelli plate. My friend Nikki made hers years ago and they last. Gelli plates are a good, cheap tool that encourages 'play'. Play is what we do when we get our minds out of that controlled state and into free creativity.

Here is my drawing 'workout" for today. It might not be finished, who cares. Changing the orientation of the image can lead me to different meanings in different orientations.
I do wonder what I would have ended up with in a parallel universe where I concentrated on lines instead of circles on the ground... but hey, that is going all analytical - which I agreed to leave at the door.
And stream of consciousness writing can prove useful based on such daily created images.
As a daily activity this can develop ones free creativity, and break barriers.
These ideas are not new. See the work of
Ken Robinson for his theories. He is one hell of an inspiring guy!
I want more Ken Robinson - - Local Library here I come.