It has been an interesting and busy time. Here are a couple of highlights.
Trip to Calgary to work with Wendy.
Can't show you much but.... here is a photomontage of some of the stuff I have been up to...
Then there was an afternoon spent in the company of High School Students at West Island College where they showed me new and exciting things to do with Shibori...
I was particularly interested that one young man was fascinated enough to spend the entire time working his photographic skills on samples... I was so impressed. The students were fighting their desire to be off on the long family day weekend... so all credit to them for sticking at it.
It was Valentine's day whilst I was away but this thorny clawing image provided a tongue in cheek reference to the lover's day - Photo taken in Glenbow Museum lobby.... it is a very large bear sporting all those roses. (no animals were endangered in the making of this display).

Then I went to the exhibition of Hardy's
Kaleidoscopic Animalia, work following on from his residency at the museum... I loved it. There was so much to see in such a modern way of displaying works from the Museum's vast collection. And being a fashion designer there was plenty of fibre to be seen.... Love those hair prongs - Knitting needles.
The puppets in Wolf in Sheep's Clothing was such fun - I took the shot for Wendy. For a laugh.

Then off to Vancouver for the holiday.

Once back in Houston I had a day in Katy and discovered the kcam or Katy Contemporary Arts Museum. Great venue, lovely works on show. with
Gestural by Chuck Hipsher Some textile related... oil on canvas and velvet with bleach back... hmmm.... Also an interesting piece with some puckered gathering like you get on a cushion that turned out to be little anuses! Don't ask.

As I said on my Facebook page... I don't rate the gallery for their decision to only allow long shots of the gallery spaces and none of individual works. This I think very short-sighted of them. anyway loved the colours in some of the works by Hipsher. And I certainly enjoyed myself looking around.
They have a small gallery shop where Katy's artists can be represented. Do drop by if you are in the area.

Thanks to my dear friend L Hawke who drew my attention to the sewers of the road. This another Whoosie . I think I might use it as my new profile picture....
And this is my stitching to be included in the stitch activism I have decided to be a part of:-
I doubt it will do much good... in this State.