Don't miss this opportunity.
Go here to check the details.
Tickets also available at the door.
Please share this information with your creative friends.

The lecture will explore the complex strands and diverse approaches being taken by contemporary Japanese designers. With a focus on textiles and clothing, the selected case studies will highlight the extraordinary and innovative designs which seamlessly merge the boundaries between art and design; traditions and focus on textiles and clothing, the selected case studies will highlight their extraordinary and innovative designs which seamlessly merge the boundaries between art and design; traditional and technology; and makers and market.
Case studies include: Issey Miyake, Tokyo; Jurgen Lehl of Tokyo; sou sou in Kyoto, Christina Kim of dosa inc in L.A., Organic Cotton/ Appachi in India; Arimatsu/Narumi shibori center and Suzuan e.K. in Germany.
If you get to ACAD a little early you can look around the fantastic exhibition by Summer Residency participants at Contextural's post-residency show.
Here is their pamphlet. (though a little difficult to read as I only had a pdf... I will replace if you guys send me a jpg. - thanks).