I have the start of a resource library of prints on diverse materials and show here a couple of pages - details are too subtle to show on small images but each of the 6 areas on the image reflect the different applications of grounds and gels on those areas.
It is interesting that these images could also provide a further image for printing and stitching in themselves.

Some of the most exciting areas (from experiments on nearly 20 surfaces) are shown below. Click on the image to enlarge.

I have some problems with the climate in Calgary... my skin is suffering... one big issue is the way this effects my finger ends... such that I get splits developing.. A textile artist whose seams are coming apart.
I normally gravitate to stitching difficult fabrics that have been altered by heating, often plastics that have hardened in the process. This is extremely painful with spltting finger! But..
I find that the most appealing and original surfaces I have produced using the digital grounds are lovely silk, satin and thin papers so now I am excited to try to work in these materials and lesson the pain.
Next week I will work with metals and plastics and further the resource library.